Take the first step with Brineura® (cerliponase alfa)
                                  Helping make more steps possible by slowing loss of walking ability
                                  Brineura® (cerliponase alfa) is the only enzyme replacement therapy that helps treat CLN2 disease, a common form of Batten disease. Brineura is approved to slow loss of ability to walk or crawl (ambulation) in symptomatic pediatric patients 3 years of age and older with CLN2 disease.

                                  Some words or phrases associated with CLN2 disease may be new to you. See their definitions by clicking on the words in orange, or download the glossary >
                                  Learn how Brineura may help your child

                                  Find out more about Brineura >
                                  Brineura helped maintain children’s ability to walk, with or without assistance, over approximately 2 years of treatment

                                  Learn more about Brineura study results >
                                  Discover the path toward treatment with Brineura

                                  Every child’s journey with Brineura will be different.

                                  Learn more about how to get started >
                                  We’re here for you and your family with resources

                                  Take the first step with Brineura® (cerliponase alfa)
                                  “深圳芯”为手机“大脑”提速-IT频道-国际在线:2021-10-23 · 在大约只有指甲盖大小的芯片里,55亿颗晶体管密密麻麻地分布着。 16日晚,深圳企业华为在德国慕尼黑首发新一伕旗舰机Mate10系列。华为新机搭载了人工智能芯片麒麟970,“深圳芯”引发广泛关注。在业内人士看来,
                                  Brineura® (cerliponase alfa) is the only enzyme replacement therapy that helps treat CLN2 disease, a common form of Batten disease. Brineura is approved to slow loss of ability to walk or crawl (ambulation) in symptomatic pediatric patients 3 years of age and older with CLN2 disease.
                                  Some words or phrases associated with 快加速网络加速器ios may be new to you. See their definitions by clicking on the words in 全球网络加速器, or download the glossary >

                                  Learn how Brineura may help your child

                                  Find out more about Brineura >

                                  Brineura helped maintain children’s ability to walk, with or without assistance, over approximately 2 years of treatment

                                  Learn more about Brineura study results >

                                  Discover the path toward treatment with Brineura

                                  Every child’s journey with Brineura will be different.

                                  《狂暴之翼》两周年 开发角度谈游戏如何炼成超长生命周期:2021-6-7 · 几年中,随着中国网络环境的发展,游戏行业的发展也迅猛加速,从起初的客户端网游,逐渐发展出来页面游戏,并成为热点。 2021年页游市场刚刚起步不久,市面上充斥着图文式的Flash2D产品,商业嗅觉敏锐的刘睿,坚信技术能够改变业态,深感3D技术在这细分市场内能够形成的新产品业态。

                                  We’re here for you and your family with resources

                                  国产智能手机“逆袭”之后如何“完胜”? 安徽日报:2021-7-22 · 也携5款高端4G智能手机亮相第三届GS-MA2021年亚洲移动通信博览会。有专家指出,不论是国内市场还是国外市场,高端4G领域将成为国内外厂商刺刀见红的新地带。4G的到来让国产智能手机厂商迎来了反超良机,也加速了智能手机市场的洗牌。
                                  Brineura® (cerliponase alfa) injection for intraventricular use is indicated to slow the loss of ambulation in symptomatic pediatric patients 3 years of age and older with late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis type 2 (CLN2), also known as tripeptidyl peptidase 1 (TPP1) deficiency.
                                  Brineura is contraindicated in patients with any sign or symptom of acute, unresolved localized infection on or around the device insertion site (e.g. cellulitis or abscess); or suspected or confirmed CNS infection (e.g. cloudy CSF or positive CSF gram stain, or meningitis), any acute intraventricular access device-related complications (e.g., leakage, extravasation of fluid, or device failure), and with ventriculoperitoneal shunts.
                                  Brineura must only be administered via the intraventricular route using aseptic technique to reduce the risk of infection. Prior to each infusion, inspect the scalp for signs of intraventricular access device leakage, failure or potential infection. Brineura is contraindicated if there are acute intraventricular access device-related complications (e.g., leakage, extravasation of fluid, device failure, or bulging of the scalp around or above the intraventricular access device); or sign or symptom of acute, unresolved localized infection on or around the device insertion site (e.g. cellulitis or abscess); or suspected or confirmed CNS infection (e.g. cloudy CSF or positive CSF gram stain, or meningitis). Consultation with a neurosurgeon may be needed to confirm the integrity of the device. In case of intraventricular access device complications, discontinue the Brineura infusion and refer to the device manufacturer’s labeling for further instructions. Prior to each infusion of Brineura and when clinically indicated, send cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples for testing of cell count and culture.
                                  Material degradation of the intraventricular access device reservoir was reported after approximately 4 years of administration, which may impact the effective and safe use of the device. During benchtop testing such material degradation was recognized after approximately 105 perforations of the intraventricular access device. The intraventricular access device should be replaced prior to 4 years of single-puncture administrations, which equates to approximately 105 administrations of Brineura.
                                  Monitor vital signs before infusion starts, periodically during infusion, and post-infusion in a healthcare setting. Perform electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring during infusion in patients with a history of bradycardia, conduction disorder, or with structural heart disease. In patients without cardiac abnormalities, regular 12-lead ECG evaluations should be performed every 6 months.
                                  Hypotension was reported in 2 patients during or up to 8 hours after Brineura infusion. Patients did not require alteration in treatment, and reactions resolved spontaneously or after intravenous fluid administration.
                                  One patient experienced hypoxia 8 hours after Brineura infusion, followed by a low mean arterial pressure at 15 hours post infusion. Symptoms resolved after oxygen administration, airway repositioning, and normal saline infusion. One patient reported decreased oxygen saturation, 45 minutes after starting Brineura, with associated low diastolic blood pressures. Hypoxia resolved after oxygen administration. No treatment was administered for the low diastolic blood pressure, which returned to normal while the patient continued to receive Brineura infusion without change to the infusion rate or dose.
                                  只剩下门缝的VPN何去何从 - 手机新蓝网:2021-2-7 · 比如,加速精灵是一家稳定运营三年的老牌VPN商,目前主营美国、中国香港、日本、中国台湾、德国、韩国的高速线路,支持电脑各种系统、手机安卓、iOS,可流畅观看YouTube 1080P高清视频,手机号码注册即送24小时VIP体验,同时提供永久免费试用线路。
                                  华为路由 A1 畅享版面世 穿墙速度提升50%-焦点新闻 ...:2021-5-11 · 作为家庭网络的重要枢纽,路由器向智能化衍变是其天然使命。这两年间,智能路由市场如雨后春笋,各类路由器产品层出不穷。一方面彰显了智能路由的市场人气,另一方面又暴露了智能路由市场鱼龙混杂。一些围绕路由器附加功能的产品大行其道,而秉承华为基因的华为路由 A1 畅享版,将网络 ...
                                  The management of hypersensitivity reactions should be based on the severity of the reaction and may include temporarily interrupting the infusion, and/or treatment with antihistamines, antipyretics, and/or corticosteroids. If a severe hypersensitivity reaction occurs, immediately discontinue the infusion and initiate appropriate medical treatment.
                                  Brineura has not been studied in pregnancy or lactation.
                                  Safety and effectiveness in pediatric patients below 3 years of age have not been established.
                                  网络威胁报告指网络罪犯通过表单劫持牟取暴利:2021-3-7 · 网络威胁报告指网络罪犯通过表单劫持牟取暴利 中国新闻网 2021-03-07 20:53 188 中新网 北京3月7日电 (记者 高凯)7日,2021年《互联网安全威胁报告 ...
                                  谛听科技:成功转型中高端市场,上半年营收强劲完成止损目标:2021-9-4 · 值得一提的是,newifi新路由作为智能路由界内第一家实现“雾计算”相关技术的品牌,也将重点发力“雾计算”新战略,拓展雾计算加速业务和各视频厂商之间的合作,这是随着新路由3在中高端智能路由市场继续保持较高占比增长的势态下,新路由系列在销售模式上的
                                  In clinical studies with Brineura, device-related adverse reactions were reported in 12 patients and included infection, delivery system–related complications, and pleocytosis. Intraventricular access device-related CNS infections were observed in 2 patients; antibiotics were administered, the intraventricular access device was replaced, and treatment continued. Device-related complications did not result in discontinuation of Brineura treatment. Other device-related adverse reactions included 1 patient with leakage of the intraventricular access device and 1 with pleocytosis.
                                  Hematoma adverse reactions were reported in 5 patients and presented as hematoma, post procedural hematoma, traumatic hematoma, and subdural hematoma. Hematomas did not require treatment and did not interfere with Brineura infusion.
                                  Anti-drug antibodies (ADAs) were detected in serum (79%) and CSF (33.3%) in patients treated with Brineura. No association was found between serum or CSF ADA titers and incidence or severity of hypersensitivity.
                                  华为路由 A1 畅享版面世 穿墙速度提升50%-焦点新闻 ...:2021-5-11 · 作为家庭网络的重要枢纽,路由器向智能化衍变是其天然使命。这两年间,智能路由市场如雨后春笋,各类路由器产品层出不穷。一方面彰显了智能路由的市场人气,另一方面又暴露了智能路由市场鱼龙混杂。一些围绕路由器附加功能的产品大行其道,而秉承华为基因的华为路由 A1 畅享版,将网络 ...
                                  Inform caregivers of the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis, hypotension, bradycardia, and device-related complications and meningitis. Instruct them to seek immediate medical care should any of these signs and symptoms occur.
                                  To report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS, contact BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. at 1-866-906-6100, or FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088, or go to www.fda.gov/medwatch.
                                  Please see accompanying full Prescribing Information, or visit www.Brineura.com.
                                  扩招303名!福建医大硕士研究生复试有这些变化_新闻中心 ...:2021-5-7 · 7日,福建医科大学发布2021年硕士研究生复试通知,今年复试将采取网络远程,众视频形式进行,原则上一志愿考生面试安排于5月12日至5月20日进行。
                                  Important Safety Information
                                  “深圳芯”为手机“大脑”提速-IT频道-国际在线:2021-10-23 · 在大约只有指甲盖大小的芯片里,55亿颗晶体管密密麻麻地分布着。 16日晚,深圳企业华为在德国慕尼黑首发新一伕旗舰机Mate10系列。华为新机搭载了人工智能芯片麒麟970,“深圳芯”引发广泛关注。在业内人士看来,
                                  Brineura is only given by infusion into the fluid of the brain (known as an intraventricular injection) and using sterile technique to reduce the risk of infection. An intraventricular access device or port must be in place at least 5 to 7 days prior to the first infusion. Intraventricular access device-related infections, including meningitis, were observed with Brineura treatment. If any signs of infection or meningitis occur, contact your child’s doctor immediately. The signs and symptoms of infections may not be readily apparent in patients with CLN2 disease. Your doctor should vigilantly be looking for signs and symptoms of infection, including meningitis, during treatment with Brineura.
                                  Your child’s intraventricular access device should be replaced prior to 4 years of single-puncture administration of Brineura, because the device may deteriorate due to repeated use.
                                  Brineura should not be used in patients with active intraventricular access device-related complications (e.g., leakage, device failure, or device-related infection, including meningitis), symptom of acute, unresolved localized infection around the device insertion site (e.g. cellulitis or abscess), or and with shunts used to drain extra fluid around the brain. Your child’s doctor should inspect the scalp and collect samples of your child’s cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) prior to each infusion of Brineura, to check that there is no device failure or infections present.
                                  Low blood pressure and/or slow heart rate may occur during and following the Brineura infusion. Contact your child’s doctor immediately if these reactions occur.
                                  Undesirable or hypersensitivity reactions related to Brineura treatment, including fever, vomiting, and irritability, may occur during treatment and as late as 24 hours after infusion. Your child may receive medication such as antihistamines before Brineura infusions to reduce the risk of reactions. Serious and severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) may occur. If a reaction occurs, the infusion will be stopped and your child may be given additional medication. If a severe reaction occurs, the infusion will be stopped and your child will receive appropriate medical treatment. If any signs of anaphylaxis occur, immediately seek medical care.
                                  擅自"翻墙"上境外网站,责伖停止联网并警告__中国青年网:2021-3-28 · 昨日,市政府公众信息网发布了修订后的《重庆市公安机关网络监管行政处罚裁量基准》。自2021年7月27日起施行,有效期至2021年7月26日。对故意输入 ...
                                  The most common side effects reported during Brineura infusions included fever, problems with the electrical activity of the heart, decreased or increased protein in the fluid of the brain, vomiting, seizures, hypersensitivity, collection of blood outside of blood vessels (hematoma), headache, irritability, and increased white blood cell count in the fluid of the brain, device-related infection, slow heart rate, feeling jittery, and low blood pressure. Intraventricular device-related side effects included infection, delivery system-related complications, and increased white blood cell count in fluid of the brain.
                                  These are not all of the possible side effects with Brineura. Talk to your child’s doctor if they have any symptoms that bother them or that do not go away.
                                  Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. at 1-866-906-6100, or the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or go to www.fda.gov/medwatch.
                                  Please see accompanying full Prescribing Information, or visit www.Brineura.com.
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